Carol Swain Says Pete Buttigieg’s Plan for African Americans Overlooks Trump Accomplishments


Members of Black Voices for Trump this week called Democratic Party presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s “Douglass Plan,” misleading and presumptuous.”

The Douglass Plan is designed to assist African-Americans achieve greater prosperity after decades of inequality.

A member of Black Voices for Trump, former Nashville mayoral candidate Carol Swain, said U.S. Republican President Donald Trump has already made great strides to help African-Americans.

“I’m not surprised that Black Voices for Trump would want to point out that the president has accomplished some of the things that Mayor Pete is promising black Americans. My first reaction to that is talk is cheap,” Swain said.

“As a mayor, he would be in a stronger position if he could actually point to some things he has done for the black community and present to black voters a record of having always been involved, not something he comes up with during a time when he is a presidential candidate with virtually no black support.”

In a press release, Black Voices for Trump senior campaign advisor Katrina Pierson said that under the Trump Administration, the black community has seen historic levels of economic growth and advancement.

“We have seen historically low black unemployment, a reformed criminal justice system, and a 14 percent increase in funding for HBCUs; all thanks to President Trump,” Pierson said.

“Mayor Pete’s ‘Douglass Plan’ is not only named after America’s most prominent Black Republican but also is incredibly misleading and presumptuous. His lack of awareness to the current state of the black community, the historical figure his ‘plan’ is named after, and inability to get real support from blacks in South Carolina shows how out of touch he is. Presidents don’t talk, they act. What have you done for the black community in your city, Pete?”

According to Buttigieg’s campaign website, his plan involves “reforming broken criminal justice and health systems, strengthening access to credit and injecting capital into the Black community, and taking bold steps toward fulfilling long-broken promises of true equity.”

Swain told The Tennessee Star that she has looked at the plan.

“President Trump has some tangible things that he can actually point to whereas Mayor Pete is making promises and these are the kinds of things black people hear all the time from white Democrats and with few exceptions most of those promises are always broken,” Swain said.

“They are election-year promises that are not usually followed up with concrete actions.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Pete Buttigieg” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.




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One Thought to “Carol Swain Says Pete Buttigieg’s Plan for African Americans Overlooks Trump Accomplishments”

  1. Beatrice Shaw

    This lady knows nothing of the plights she champions she is obviously after political credit somewhere I researched her and she has run for many offices and never gets elected
